Trend Micro's New Tool Detects Email Fraud Via Writing Style

Is that urgent email from your boss, really from your boss? Dallas-based Trend Micro said Monday morning that it has launched a new, email fraud detection tool which uses artificial intelligence to flag emails which might have been written by an imposter. According to Trend MIcro, it is using AI to incorporate writing style analysis, which creates a "blueprint of a user's stye of writing--all to help detect when an email might be impersonating an executive of other high profile users, to prevent email fraud. According to Trend Micro, the new capability specifically is aimed at protecting against "Business Email Compromise" (BEC) attacks, a recent trend in attacks where emails--purportedly from the CEO, president or managing director of a company--is sent to an employee, requesting that employtt to make a wire transfer or reply with sensitive data. Trend Micro said those attacks are tough to detect, because they don't generally have an attachment or URL link. Trend Micro said it is incorporating the technology into multiple products.