Monday, January 21, 2008
Texas Venture Capital Investments Rise to $426.6M
PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Capital Association announced their quarterly Moneytree venture capital survey results Saturday, finding that there was $426.6M in 45 venture capital deals in Texas for Q4 of 2007. The investments were a rise from Q3, where there was a total of $386.2M and 39 deals reported.
Nationally, venture capital investments surged to their highest level in six years, with $29.4B invested last year, a rise of 10.8% over 2006. The numbers were the highest since 2001. Investment levels were driven by a strong interest in clean technology and biotechnology investments. The quarterly PwC/NVCA MoneyTree report, based on data from Thomson Financial tallies venture capital deals every quarter.